Film posters by Eduardo Muñoz Bachs
… the ICAIC (Instituto Cubano de Arte e Industria Cinematográficos) was one of the first institutions implemented by the new Cuban government. One of the main instruments of the Institute, the Cuban film poster was a means of promoting the work of native artists who immortalized historic films and figures in their bold and colorful designs… Stylistically, Cuban cinema posters combine elements of photography and photomontage with Abstract Expressionist and Pop tendencies. Works by noteworthy artists such as Eduardo Muñoz Bachs (1937-2001), Antonio (Ñiko) Marino, and Antonio Fernández Reboiro (both born 1935) focus on the essence or central character of a particular film, translating them into popular visual icons. The results are strikingly beautiful and highly original works of art that reflect the interplay of state discourse and the cultural subconscious in revolutionary Cuba.
Screening Prints: Fifty Years of Cuban Cinema Posters, 1959 - 2009