I live in Baltimore and there is so much going around right now in the media and on the Internet, much of it totally ignorant in the same vein as all the ignorance that surrounded similar demonstrations across the country in the past few months. But some of it is especially heartbreaking and upsetting to read because it also obviously rests on these heartless and preconceived notions about Baltimore and the people here. Recent events aside, the people of Baltimore City get constantly dehumanized and shat on by the media and by people who have never even been here. Here are some articles that provide some measure of background about how Freddie Gray died and about the context that killed him. Far from covering the whole breadth of what is happening and what has been happening for a long time, they only scratch the surface of a context that’s absolutely not strictly limited to relations between the police and communities. There is so much more beyond that and the info here, so please keep that in mind as well.
ACLU of Maryland: Briefing paper finds at least 109 police-involved killings since 2010
Tyrone West files show passenger’s account of death in police custody
Baltimore’s Newly Approved Youth Curfew among Strictest in Nation
The police officers’ bill of rights
Some Baltimore police officers face repeated misconduct lawsuits
Baltimoreans Reflect on Freddie Gray and Their City
Policing with impunity: How judges let dubious police tactics flourish
Whistleblower cop Joseph Crystal recalls his battles with Baltimore’s blue wall of silence
Family attorney at Freddie Gray funeral: ‘Most of us knew a lot of Freddie Grays. Too many’