Thank you guys!! And I don’t mean “thank you” as a formality, I mean “thank you for making my experience on this website so fun and enriching” and “thank you for putting up with my ignorance” and “thank you for your feedback” and “thank you for teaching me new things” along with “thank you for following/reblogging/liking/etc” and “thank you for sticking with me”, especially since I admire some of you people so much for your quality blogging, and some of you are just plain sweet, and some of your URLs I recognize from late 2011, and I have more to thank you all for but I can’t really find the words to express it all.
It’s really weird for me to think about this blog, because I started it sort of as a semi-personal study tool I was going to use to prepare for this high school history quiz bowl competition I had wanted to participate in… and then people actually started following it, and it kind of became more important to me than the competition itself. It was (and still is) a strange sensation to know that whatever I type (and whatever typos and misspellings I make), someone somewhere will read it, and overall it’s just been such a weird learning experience for me, and not just the learning history itself part, but learning how tumblr works and learning how to gif and use Photoshop and learning to move away from Eurocentrism, and even learning how to write with more clarity and structure and this blog is still just a huge work-in-progress and this is a run-on sentence/paragraph so I’m just going to stop this grammatical sacrilege right here by saying THANKS and STAY AWESOME.