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have you watched Lincoln?


Yes!! The acting was fantastic (DDL fan for life) although I haven’t actually read that much about Lincoln, so I don’t know how accurate his portrayal was? But I personally thought it was very human and touching and Lincoln-like, anyway. Sally Field and Tommy Lee Jones were also great, and I really enjoyed watching all the politicking and lobbying and the debating in Congress. The scene where all of the reps vote on the amendment was one of my favorites of any film this year.

I can’t really say anything about the historical accuracy or anything, but nothing really jumped out save for the random Union soldiers being able to recite the exact same version of the Gettysburg Address together and some terminology/technical errors. It was also fun times pointing out the historical figures, so if you have basic knowledge of the Civil War-era government I think that really enhances viewing. 

Haha, this old couple sitting behind me left the theater thinking Thaddeus Stevens was Lincoln’s VP, though, so the film doesn’t stop to explain who everyone is, and also there are some cameos that are just blink-and-you’ll-miss-it type moments.

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