"Filipino strikers shout 'Mag Labas Cayo, Cabayen' ("Come out of there, countrymen') to imported strikebreakers"

"Early in the struggle, strike leader Epifanio Camacho leads an informal group of pickets in a lively dialog with scabs"

"Strikers challenge workers to join them. In this picture, they are shaming scabs by using the Mexican flag, one of many non-violent methods. The girl is Gonzala Zavala of Delano."

"...Two strikers, members of the Farm Workers Theatre, act out a picket line scene. This is one of the many 'side effects' of the strike... a potent educational weapon."

"The flags of the U.S., of Mexico, and of the Farm Workers Association converge ion this unusual photo. Most of these pictures were taken by George Ballis ofFresno."

George Ballis & other photographers
Images from the first hundred days of the Delano grape strike, 1965-1966
Scanned from Huelga!: The First Hundred Days of the Great Delano Grape Strike, Eugene Nelson. I came across this copy of the book the other day—a second of six editions that the UFW’s Farm Worker Press printed in 1966-1969. It was one of the first major photojournalistic accounts of the strike, if not the very first. At that time, you could mail-order copies out of El Malcriado, the UFW’s independent paper, for $1.50 each.
“Other cars pass, then a grower’s truck whose driver seems to peer at us in disbelief. We spot some of our own cars, going out to pre-arranged locations, and exchange greetings: ‘Huelga! Huelga!’ It also means ‘Hello.’ And we feel less alone in the cold darkness.”